Japan's current weakness is rooted in its traditional strength: a fixation with 'monozukuri,' or the art of making things, focused on hardware advances. 日本当前的疲弱根植于其传统优势&专守monozukuri(即制造的艺术),专注于硬件的改进。
And yet, for a longtime foreign resident in this ancient capital, what's most striking about japan's current economic depression is not how visible it is, but just the opposite. 然而对于(我这样)这座古都生活了许久的外国人来说,日本经济萧条最令人惊讶的一面倒不是它如何显而易见,而恰恰相反。
Yet the comparison between Japan's overreach and Toyota's current difficulties is not entirely fair. 然而,将日本经济的过度发展与丰田目前的困境相提并论并不完全公平。
The heart territory sorrow sorrow's pollution's sea has the Japan Current to be turbulent every night, memory then in this piece of wave Pori's ups and downs. 心域忧忧的浑浊的海洋每晚都有黑潮汹涌,记忆便在这片浪波里的沉浮。
Analysts pointed out that Japan's current account surplus may continue to grow for the current period. 分析家指出,日本的经常帐盈余在现阶段可能会持续扩增。
Of these countries, only Germany and Japan have current account surpluses. The rest are capital importers. 在上述国家中,仅有德国和日本拥有经常账户盈余,其余都是资本输入国。
Based on geographical distributions and the Red List of China and Red List of Japan, we compared the current status of threatened plants and the floristic composition of the two countries. 作者结合植物地理分布,根据中、日物种红色名录,对比分析两国野生种子植物的濒危程度和区系组成。
It was the first non-confidence motion in the upper house since Japan's current pacifist Constitution took effect in1947. 自从日本现行反战宪法1947年生效以来,这是日本第一个由上议院通过的不信任案。
Others such as China and Japan began to generate abnormally high current account surpluses only in about 2002. 而中国和日本等国家直到2002年前后才开始产生异常高的经常账户盈余。
It seems nothing can be done really to stem the new Korean Wave, with high-profile fans in Japan including current first lady Miyuki Hatoyama and previous first lady Akie Abe. 该报称,现在日本“韩流”简直无计可施,包括日本首相鸠山由纪夫的夫人和前首相安倍晋三的夫人在内的“高姿态”日本女性“韩流”明星们的疯狂粉丝。
Japan's current account surplus more than doubled in may. 日本经常帐盈余五月份成长一倍余。
The sharp deterioration in Japan's current account in January reflected the dire impact of plunging global demand and a stronger yen on its export-dependent economy. 日本1月份经常账户的急剧恶化,反映出全球需求骤降和日元走强对该国出口依赖型经济的可怕影响。
Meanwhile, Japan, where the current improvement was also originally due to strong external demand, is not big or buoyant enough to prop up world growth. 此外,目前日本经济状况的改善最初也归因于强劲的外部需求,其经济实力和增长势头都不足以推动全球增长。
Meantime, at least, Japan's current woes are giving China a chance to show its soft side. 至少,日本目前的困境给了中国一个机会来展示其温柔的一面。【译者表示反对】。
China and Japan should suit the current stream, unceasingly deepen friendship and cooperation and develop Sino-Japanese relations in a healthy way. 两国需要顺应时势,不断深化友好与合作,推动中日关系健康地向前发展。
For two centuries Japan remained outside the main current of history. 两个世纪来,日本一直游离于历史主流之外。
Part II compares China market with the market of UK, USA, and Japan, presenting the current situation of China drama market. 第二章将中国戏剧市场与英、美、日三国的戏剧市场进行了比较,并阐述了中国戏剧市场的现状;
Experimental Education of Common People in Ding County Before the War of Resistance Against Japan Current Community Education 抗战前的定县平民教育实验与当今的社区教育
Especially until Japan capture Nanjing, the current political situation is not pacified, their products are controlled by Japan after probably the goods appeared; 尤其是在日本攻陷南京之后,江南水泥公司经历了是开机出货,还是停业整顿这一痛苦的决策过程:因为时局不靖,恐出货后其产品被日本统制;
Academic Library Online Cataloging Systems in Japan and Korea: The Current Status and the Revelation 日本、韩国大学图书馆联机编目系统现状及其启示
On the Cooperative Development of Library Union Catalog in Japan: its History, Current Status and Revelation 日本图书馆书目信息资源共建历史、现状及启示
The Informationalization of Basic Education in Japan: The Current Measures and Achievements 日本基础教育信息化:当前的举措与成果
China's Relations with USA, Japan, Russia and Asean: Current Situation and Trend 中国与美、日、俄、东盟关系的现状及趋势
In this paper, the author investigated the history and social background of training instructors for social sport activities in Japan and introduced their current training works in: members qualification; 考察了日本社会体育指导者培养工作的发展历史及社会背景,进而详尽、系统地介绍了日本社会体育指导者培养工作的各方面情况&学员状况;
Japan's current nationalism is different from prewar, and has the necessity to develop, but it also may be manipulated by the right-wing forces. 当前日本的民族主义与战前不同,有其发展的必然性,但也有为右翼势力操纵的可能。
Thirdly, the author combs the current situation of court-annexed ADR in America and Japan, and sums up Chinese current situation. 再次,笔者对美国、日本等国的法院附设替代性纠纷解决机制研究的现状进行大致梳理,并在此基础上,对我国的研究现状加以归纳。